The Tandana Foundation seeks motivated, compassionate, competent individuals to become a part of our organization. Tandana offers a variety of internships in Ecuador, with opportunities to work in education, public health, environment, coordinating volunteer programs, and other areas. Seasonally, we also hire Group Coordinators to lead our Intercultural Programs and service projects. The rewards of these jobs are unique and often unexpected. Details are available through the links below.


Current Openings


Administrative Assistant - Part-time

-- Currently filled. For future interest please send resume & cover letter.


Development Director - Part-time

-- Currently filled. For future interest please send resume & cover letter.

Ecuador Program Manager

 -- Currently filled. For future interest please send resume & cover letter.

Program Coordinator

-- Currently filled. For future interest please send resume & cover letter.

Group Coordinators

-- Occasional openings from time to time. Contact us for more details.

Internships and Fellowships

-- Always available

Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

-- Always available



Stories and Reflections from Interns:


An unforgettable experience at The Tandana Foundation

Dear members of The Tandana foundation, I wrote the following blog to share my experience as an IT intern at the foundation. In this sense, this message is very special to me. It has been a long time since I arrived at the foundation, and I want to share everything I learned and exchanged with … Continue reading "An unforgettable experience at The Tandana Foundation"


Community, Friendship, and Gardening in Ecuador

For eleven short weeks in 2023, I had the incredible opportunity and honor to serve as Tandana’s Environmental and Horticultural Intern. I’m a third-year student at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, where there is a wonderful co-operative education program which allows students to explore career paths and build real-world skills through work-study trimesters. Español … Continue reading "Community, Friendship, and Gardening in Ecuador"


A look inside Tandana’s virtual ESL program

Learning a new language can be difficult for anyone. There are so many new words to learn and conjugations to memorize. Nevertheless, everyone in Tandana’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program this school year managed to learn and teach one another about their different languages and cultures. Español Français Students of all ages from … Continue reading "A look inside Tandana’s virtual ESL program"


Inside Tandana’s Virtual Host Family Program

To continue making and fostering global connections through their work, The Tandana Foundation adapted its ESL (English as a second language) and storytelling internship positions in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the community’s and the interns’ well-being this summer, Tandana hired Mallory Woods from Pennsylvania and Hannah Nivar from … Continue reading "Inside Tandana’s Virtual Host Family Program"


Learning by Doing: An Internship with Tandana

By Camille Greenfield I must say it is hard to pick one moment that best describes my time with Tandana, as a part of the horticultural internship. However, there is one memory in particular that occurred in the first few weeks, which would have a major impact on my future projects. My host family had … Continue reading "Learning by Doing: An Internship with Tandana"