
The Tandana Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports community initiatives in Ecuador's Otavalo Canton and Mali's Bandiagara District as well as offers intercultural volunteer experiences. Tandana comes from a Kichwa root meaning "to gather together" or "to unite" and it represents the spirit of our work. Learn more.


Join Hands with Us

Our community initiatives support community members in Ecuador and Mali as they work toward their dreams of education, health, food security, water resources, environmental conservation, income generation, and more. Together, we are making those dreams come true.


Travel with Intention

Our volunteer programs offer visitors the unique opportunity to be guests rather than tourists, form intercultural friendships, participate in a rich indigenous culture, and make a difference in the lives of new friends. Trips With Intention provide individuals, groups, and families with unforgettable experiences in Ecuador and Mali.


Learn From Anywhere

Our virtual offerings allow individuals and groups who cannot travel with us to engage with our friends in Ecuador and Mali. From interactive remote cultural activities that give a glimpse into Kichwa life in Otavalo to remote speaker’s bureaus on real-life issues like the effects of climate change in Mali, and student exchanges, we offer many different ways to build global connections and awareness. Read more about our Remote Connection offerings.


Mission & Values

We support the achievement of community goals and addressing global inequalities through caring intercultural relationships. Responsibility, respect for people and their culture, win-wins, inclusiveness, and organic evolution, are among our core values. Read more about our approach.



Where We Work

We are committed to operating in areas we know well and working with people of longstanding and genuine relationships. At this time, our work is in highland Ecuador and Mali's dry plateau country, which not only offer amazing cultural and natural opportunities but most importantly are home to friends and communities we can collaborate with confidently. Learn more about our partner communities.


Give With Intention

Our community partners have many initiatives that they are working on to strengthen their communities. Donors can make it possible for them to advance on one of these important projects or programs.


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Our Stories

One of the best ways to get to know us and our work, our partners and friends, volunteer opportunities, and what we can accomplish together is through the stories on External link opens in new tab or windowThe Tandana Foundation Blog. Check out our latest posts below and check back every Sunday for the newest blog post. We cover everything from our projects in Mali and Ecuador to staff and volunteers, as well as our guiding philosophy.


Tandana organizes classes to help students from displaced families catch up

As more families arrive in Bandiagara, Mali, to escape insecurity in other parts of the country, The Tandana Foundation continues to expand its support of school-aged children and their parents through its displaced students program. English Español Tandana organise des cours pour aider les étudiants issus de familles déplacées à rattraper leur retard Alors que … Continue reading "Tandana organizes classes to help students from displaced families catch up"


My inspiring and impactful encounter with Tandana

I met The Tandana Foundation team members Housseyni Pamateck (Mali Program Manager), Moussa Tembiné (Mali Country Director), and Anna Taft (Founding Director) at a Tandana gala in Columbus, Ohio, as an offshoot of the graduate student work I do on campus at Ohio University. I thought it would be a relatively tame and routine night … Continue reading "My inspiring and impactful encounter with Tandana"


From Ecuador to Ohio: Learning about another indigenous people

My visit to the United States was certainly a tremendous experience. English Français Del Ecuador a Ohio: aprendiendo sobre otro pueblo indígena Sin duda mi visita a EE.UU. fue una tremenda experiencia. Miami, este nombre de pelicula, cuando me informaron que vamos allá, estaba seguro del mar, las playas y otras sorpresas más; pero mientras … Continue reading "From Ecuador to Ohio: Learning about another indigenous people"


Fleeing violence, finding confidence and hope

The following story is from Ambajugo Kassogue, a grandfather whose family receives support through The Tandana Foundation’s displaced students’ program. English Español Fuir la violence, retrouver confiance et espoir L’histoire suivante est celle d’Ambajugo Kassogue, un grand-père dont la famille reçoit un soutien du programme pour étudiants déplacés de la Fondation Tandana. J’avais 3 greniers … Continue reading "Fleeing violence, finding confidence and hope"


Sharing the impact of Tandana’s displaced students program

The program initiated by The Tandana Foundation for displaced families in Bandiagara is a very welcome initiative, says Hamidou Yalcouyé, coordinator of the displaced students program. English Español Partager l’impact du programme pour étudiants déplacés de Tandana Le programme initié par la fondation Tandana pour les familles déplacées à Bandiagara est une initiative très souhaitée, … Continue reading "Sharing the impact of Tandana’s displaced students program"